Monday, October 5, 2009

How to dye my natural black hair?

Hello, I am a Asian girl with natural black hair. I've decided to change it up a bit and dye it at home. I plan to bleach the bottom part of my hair blonde. Yet I want to do two colours and need a colour for the top part. I want it to be either red or a light brown but I don't know if it would work. What kind of hair dye product/brand do you suggest for either a red or light brown colour? Also, do you know how to make the colour stay longer? Hope you guys can help out and thank you.

How to dye my natural black hair?

YOU don't dye it . . . go to a salon! Whenever you go from dark to light it is extremely damaging to your hair and a home job could end in complete disaster . . . not to mention the disappointment you'd feel when the blonde ends you coveted turned orange instead.

How to dye my natural black hair?

bleach it before you dye it

How to dye my natural black hair?

Make sure you bleach it before you dye it or it won't show as much.

How to dye my natural black hair?

Hon you really really really need to go to a salon for the bleaching part. Asian hair is VERY VERY difficult to bleach, and because it's so thick, it doesn't bleach evenly. Once you've gotten it professionally bleached, you can color it yourself (well, with some help).

I guess you don't realize just how damaging bleaching is.

How to dye my natural black hair?

You're going to have to bleach it first, otherwise the colours won;t turn out the way you wanted them to.

I would suggest you get the bleaching done at home and then you can use any box of dye to do the colours - but you could try Garnier 100% colour. It has pigments which last longer.

To make it last longer, don't wash your hair every day, and when you do wash it, use a product specially formulated for coloured hair. and rinse with cold water to seal in the cuticle. Use moisturizing products to keep the colour vibrant.

How to dye my natural black hair?

Okay i have tried all home hair colour like actual colour for reds blues and greens etc and colours usually when you do it at home stay in for a couple of days then fade away. I'd reccommenned going to a hair salon but if you are dead-set on doing it at home i heard covering up your hair in foil or somthing and warming it up with a hairdryer makes your colour stay in like 50% longer.

How to dye my natural black hair?

Honestly, I suggest you go to a proffesional to do you hair. Yes it may cost a lil bit more money but atleast they are trained to do color. If you do it yourself not all the time you will come out with a good result but keep it in mind. I had really dark hair and I had a proffesional apply the color, and it looks lovely. It is now really light brown. So yes a great color can be done, and it can be done in whatever colors you like but don't be the "professional" let the proffesional give you what your heart desires.

How to dye my natural black hair?

Well first you bleach it all... then redye the bottom part eitgher bleach it again or use a blonde... becuase your hair is natural black it may be a little tricky to get it all blonde in the 1st shot... the split you hair and put either red or light brown on top... right now my hair is red with black underneath it stands out more than the blond underneath... go to either a local hair store or a wlmart to buy dye there are alot of kinds to chose from... i use revlon it seems to stay in longest for me

As for keeping the color in... it can be tricky.. ive had to dye my hair 3 times before the color didnt fade within a week... but use shampoo for colored hair.. also if you go red they sell things for red hair it helps the color not fade

good luck hope i helped

How to dye my natural black hair?

First off.... I'd really say go for the red on top. Black and brown looks cool, yes, but I'm not a big fan. I think red looks better. Second off, I think any kind of dye will work, but you'd have to bleach it out first. check around on some websites for some special dyes that you can maybe order offline or something,

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