Thursday, July 30, 2009

Does anyone know any black hair products......?

does anyone know what black hair products i could use to help stimulate hair growth?(please dont waste your time typing something retarded like "sorry i dont know any", if you're not gonna be able to help me.thanks.)

Does anyone know any black hair products......?

Well, I have three suggestions. Products aren't going to really help your hair grow first of all. I have thick kinky natural hair, I have also had a relaxer. For years I've had that exact same question- what products can make my hair grow. The answer is none. I noticed my hair grew sigifigantly under these 3 circumstances.

1. Diet- I stopped drinking pop and sugary drinks a while ago. Water and teas not only help your body feel healthy- but you hair is healthier too.

2. Weaves and braided styles... you may not be a fan of weaves- but depending on what type you get- it can promote hair growth- See the trick is to leave your natural hair alone. Just braid it up. There's tons of styles that are really cute and conservative. Micro braids with lacing is a great style even though it takes forever, and sew in's weave's are nice too if done right. These styles allow you to not worry about your natural hair for months at a time- the only thing you have to do is keep it clean and conditioned.

3. Do not use products with petroleum, mineral oil, or alcohol. These will not promote hair growth at all. Also- applying heat to your hair on a regular basis does not promote hair growth. Stress will also not promote hair growth. Washing your hair more than once every 2 days (if you have kinky hair) will not promote hair growth. The thing is- you have to give you scalp time to produce it's own natural oils. If your scalp feels dry and itchy- take some tea tree oil or jojaba oil and give your scalp a massage.

4. also get your end's trimmed on a regularly

These are some things that worked for me and like I said before, I have thick, dry, kinky hair. And it has gotten a lot healthier since I stopped trying to tame it. If I want it straight- I just get some weave or I will get it blow dried straight every once in a while. If you have a relaxer, then you can still do these things and it will allow you to be able to put more time inbetween touch ups and this will prevent over processing and heat damage.

Hope this helps

Does anyone know any black hair products......?

I have used Perfect for Perms hair dressing for about 5 years now. It stops breakage and promotes hair growth.

閳?br>Does anyone know any black hair products......? can buy them in a beauty store thats near you. Or a drug store they have the shampoo conditoner...grease everthing even the perm try it it really works! :)

Does anyone know any black hair products......?

Stimulating hair growth comes from within. If u want specific hair products u can ask in a beauty supply. Theres always a small section there. It will specify. Now hair products can leave your hair in better condition bot not actually make the hair grow. If Im not mistaken calcium intake is good for that

Does anyone know any black hair products......?

you can get lots of products in peckham-london.

Does anyone know any black hair products......?

U can us some white peoples stuff trust me im black and white and i have a black persons head. Like use some tresumie crap it is helpful.

Does anyone know any black hair products......?

Redkin is good for all types of people. They carry a cream to stimulate your roots to grow softer hair and it really works.

Does anyone know any black hair products......?

I am trying "Wild Growth" it got wonderful reviews so I thought I would try it. It has helped the breakage problem and I don't seem to be losing as much.

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