Monday, July 27, 2009

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

what colour can go over black?

im soooo bored with having black hair please can anyone help thanx in advance.x

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

to be honest I wuld stick with black. It is shiney and lovely. If you bleach it (which you will have to) you will ruin it and it will end up with straw.

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

You can start with A Lighter brown.. I had black hair and dying it Light brown will make it lighter... It may take a little while to get the colour you want but eventually it will LOL


I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

do u want to make a humongo change, then bleach it!

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

You have to bleach it! Black cant get covered. Here go here for REALLY GOOD Advice..

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

bleach it white. Then you can choose a color from there, red, light brown etc

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

only have it done at a hairdressers or it will go orange!! i speak from a bad experiance :-D

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

I had Jet Black Hair once but now its gone.

Now I dont think Jet Black was bad.

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Go to a hair dresser and ask for an opinion and they will tell you what will suit you. Don't go too many shades too light though! A hairdresser will be able to change your hair colour professionally and make it look nice!

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

ur gonna have to bleach it blond/white..and then apply the colour that u want, cos nothing really goes over black!

good luck!

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Red and Blue how cool would you look eh!

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Red =P

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Its very hard to change from black without going red or yellow. But good thing is you can try blond and even if it does go red ( usually should go yellow ) you can put another colour over it in few days...Just make sure you re using lots of conditioner and space out colouring over 2 weeks or so depending on your hair type. I did that and got kinda brunnette at the end ..which was better then black anyway...and you can try upgrading to lighter version after a month or so.

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Try using peroxide to start lightening it up (it should turn out auburn/orange) then color it whatever light color you'd like.

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Go to a hair salon. It's kinda hard to remove black hair, even they think so. It takes time and patience, and you need to be careful. The bleach powder and chemicals can damage the hair and scalp so be careful and go to a pro. I have read many questions from people that did it themselves and have damaged hair.

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Why not try burgundy as a subtle medium or Burgundy streaks or something and go on from there. Personally I think black hair is very sexy.

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

i have jet black hair....and i bleach them brown and blonde they look lovely and i looked cute...but i prefer my jet black hair they make me look beautiful....i just went to bleach my hair again today after 6months ! thats only because my guy likes me blonde n not black lol

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

i had black hair, i tried to dye it blonde and it came out orange, its hard to change black hair let the color fade out if it isnt permenant hair color that what i did

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

please dont bleach ur hair! i done it and its awful! black would turn green! Just get a nice wash in wash out toner from boots! you could try reds or blues!

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Sorry but no colour will cover black. Please go to a salon to have it lightened professionally, I have personally had to deal with lots of people who 'tried this one at home' with disastrous results, we call it ' colour correction' and depending on the length and thickness of your hair (and generally natural black hair is thick and colour resistant) it could cost you an arm and a leg to put it right. I would suggest having dark auburn highlights and possibly dark caramel highlights. It may cost a bit but at least you will still have a beautiful shiny healthy head of hair. (I am, by the way a professional hairdresser). I would not recommend bleaching it white and then applying more tint on top this will only damage and weaken your hair and remember you will have to repeat this severe treatment to cover your black roots every 4-6 weeks, where as highlights can be done every 10-12 weeks. I hope this helps you!

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

Go light brown, with blonde streaks.

I was in Japan not too long ago, and mostly I saw bold BLONDE Japanese girls.

Here in the USA, most Japanese girls are black-haired, or dyed light-brown.

You HAVE to trust a professional Salon with your hair. Don't buy over the counter or you may regret it.

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?

If you like to tan, then dye it completely. I just think tanned skin and jet black hair just looks tacky.

But there is no need to change your entire hair colour. Add some coloured highlights to some unique-ness into it.

I suggest browns, dark warm red and dark purples.

You could also ask your hairdresser for their opinion, but make sure it's a professional your asking, not just some person who dyes hair for the sake of it.

I have jet black hair but want to change the colour?


Guys, what's wrong with black hair!? I have black hair and i love it! I wouldn't change it and I always get complimented on it :) It looks real nice when it catches the light and looks all lovely and shiney without me having to do anything with it. I think alot of people who have naturally dark hair look best with that natural colour... that's my personal opinion. If you really are bored with the same hair colour or think you'd look better with a diff colour, then go for it! However, it's gonna be tricky to dye black hair spesh if it's not done professionally :P xXx %26lt;3

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