Monday, July 27, 2009

Im getting my black hair done tomorrow help?

I am going to fantastic sams most what they have to do is stip my black hair anddye it to a brown then the highlights..but i keep hearing it wil damage it? what do they mean by damage it? will my hair still look nice? help!

Im getting my black hair done tomorrow help?

it will still look nice but it will damage your hair u might start to grow white hair or lose some!!!

Im getting my black hair done tomorrow help?

Depending how long of a process and what exactly they do yes it could damage your hair. More like fry it if done wrong. I died my hair black once and it fried my hair trying to lighten it. I will never go dark again!

Im getting my black hair done tomorrow help?

hair dye is very harsh, and hard on your hair. Getting it dyed AND streaked, might not be the best idea.

But it probably would look nice, maybe wait a week after getting it dyed.

Im getting my black hair done tomorrow help?

If the person knows what they are doing, its not going to get damaged...Find out first about the person doing it, as it is a corrective color..Experience, and how many corrective colors the operator has had makes the difference.. They will stsrip your old color of, Then you and her or him will pick out the base you want..They will have swatches to pick from probably a warm brown which is a 6G or a 6wg and maybe foiled in panels a 8w, then highlights would be nice.....A summery color. Good luck and dont be scared. Ask who has the most experience, before you make that appt.

Im getting my black hair done tomorrow help?

This will make your hair look pretty but in damage they mean your hair might get dry or it-ll get hard to maintain i suggest not to do it.

Im getting my black hair done tomorrow help?

When you are lightening your hair it may damage it depending on how much you lighten it. Haircolor has chemicals that lift the color from your hair which dries it out. Since you are going to a salon and you are not doing anything too drastic (like going platinum blonde) , your hair should be fine. Just make sure to take extra care of your hair by using shampoo and conditioner made for color treated hair and it would not hurt to use a conditioning mask once a week as well. Also when your at the salon you can also ask for a gloss which adds shine to your new hair color and makes it last longer.

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