Monday, July 27, 2009

Omg please help black hair dye?

k i dyed my hair black last night and it was a semi-permanent and i absolutely hate it..i tried washing it out like 25 times w/ shampoo then deep conditioned it but the dye did NOT come out at all...what should i do? and i have like really thick hair here is a pic

Omg please help black hair dye?

Sometimes, even with semi permanent dye, it depends on time, and not just the number of times you wash it. So you could either give it some more time and be patient, I'm sure it'll wash out, but check the box again to be sure. But if it's really bothering you, you could bleach it and dye it another color, but that's only if you're extremely desperate, since it will severly damage your hair. Gluck!

Omg please help black hair dye?

I like it, personally.

Omg please help black hair dye?

What color was your natural hair?? I guess you will just have to wait until it fades on its own!!

Omg please help black hair dye?

wait for it to wash out (a few weeks) and dont do it again

Omg please help black hair dye?

Sorry, but there's alot to type out on there. =]

Omg please help black hair dye?

die ur eyebrows it too you look werid and put on make up straighten ur hair youll look fine,.!

Omg please help black hair dye?

I see what you mean... looks a bit fake, sorry. But don't worry, it's semi-permanent.. and it'll come off eventually. YOu're going to have to go to a hair salon and get it done professionallY!

Omg please help black hair dye?

Hi you are very pretty.. the dark hair makes your eyes stand out, anyway if you really do not like it go to sally beauty get a small packet of bleach for about $3.00 and some 20 volume peroxide cost about $2.00 and mix the 2 items with some shampoo, put it in a bottle, put 1 ounce peroxide, 1 ounce bleach and 1 ounce shampoo, and put it on your hair, it will remove the haircolor pretty quickly,

there is also at walgreens/cvs the hair color remover kits, i find that they are very very damaging and drying to the hair, I am constantly dying my hair and i know for a fact that teh smhampoo/peroxide/bleach is less damaging, also lather it well and make sure you get on every strand it should come out withing 5 minutes or less, also if your hair is very healty you can try 30 volume peroxide which is stronger and will remove it faster, but this works, take it from a hair expert :")

Omg please help black hair dye?

well umm either u wait for it to come off by its self . or u go to a salon and tell them to wash it off with stuff they have. omg i have black hair to but i like how it looks on me i think it looks find on u to but u dont like it so i think u shoud try to wait till it comes off or got to salon .

Omg please help black hair dye?

Call a salon that uses color removers, not bleach or color strippers. There a many good professional products out there that salons use. It may require one or two treatments with the color remover, but then you can color it lighter or many times the color remover leaves the hair looking just great. There is very little damage with color removers that I know. There is severe damage with the bleach, peroxide and shampoo, besides the fact that it will bleach the hair unevenly. Hair color removers remove only the black pigment leaving your hair in better shape and more even in color.

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